Stakeholder Benefits

ISQMS™ for Governance and Leadership

Good governance is the Extra that separates ordinary from the Extra-Ordinary

ISQMS™’s versatile and customizable dashboards help the leadership to holistically monitor and review all school processes at various levels for an integrated view of the school systems for appropriate and timely interventions. 

With ISQMS™-enabled process automation, teachers are relieved from most of their administrative activities giving them more time to focus on teaching-learning process.


ISQMS™ frees you from the mundane to help you enjoy what you are really passionate about: Teaching-Learning

Intuitive interfaces for Academic Calendar Planning with repository tool box for easy drag and drop and alerts for overlap

Learning Management module that supports all forms of digital learning material and facilitates online and blended classes

Assessment module for scholastic and non-scholastic assessments based on your own rubrics and indicators


The most overwhelming key to child’s success is the positive involvement of parents. Be a joyful part of your child’s all-round growth and development

As a doting and devoted parent interested in your child’s progress at school, you can: