The ISQMS™ Way

‘When winds of change blow, some people build walls, but the Wise-Ones build Windmills’.

At the heart of ISQMS™ are internationally accepted principles of K-12 education that are reinforced with the cutting-edge IT tools. With your specific country-based customisation and requirements such as NEP 2020, ISQMS™ will help you to be globally on par with any reputed international school and yet retain a high level of local relevance.

ISQMS™ Advantages (besides process automation)

ISQMS™ is the only software platform that Galvanises Your Processes, Practices and People and aligns them to the shared Vision and Goals of Your School.  It helps translate your Philosophy, Ethos and Values for your school into visible, sustained and measurable actions at the operational level and thus deliver exceptional value to every stakeholder

A very unique feature of ISQMS™® is My 360⁰

Holistic 360⁰ Student Progress Card mandated by NEP 2020 that can be drilled down to the granular details of scholastic as well as non-scholastic performance of the student. 

Scholastic and co-scholastic achievements throughout the year

Formative and Summative Assessments:

Teacher Assessment




Besides, ISQMS™

ISQMS™ seamlessly connects and integrates all your school management processes

ISQMS™ is system-driven and not people-dependent and thus helps prevent even unconscious biases entering your systems.